Part II: Dimensions of Digital Video - Basis Technologies
Jun 19 2015
Basis Technologies

Part II: Dimensions of Digital Video


We live in a video world and Heather Robertson is a video girl expert.

Yesterday, Centro, in partnership with the AMA, welcomed hundreds of attendees from seventeen different countries to a webinar on digital video.

Heather Robertson is the Director of Video at Centro and regularly fields inquiries from clients who have digital video budget or are looking to shift traditional video dollars to the digital space. The webinar, entitled Digital Video: More Screens, More Opportunities, addressed many of the recent advancements in digital video and offered advice on how to handle some of the challenges ahead. Finally, to acknowledge another massive movement in the space, Heather discussed programmatic buying and the opportunity presents for digital video buyers.

We were so happy to see our audience following along with us on Twitter, calling out some of the most powerful points of the presentation.

Additionally, here were some other key points to take home:

  • 56% of people have a connected device
  • 1 in 3 people consume video on a smartphone
  • There are 4 billion Facebook video views per day
  • Programmatic video is showing 212% Year over Year growth.

If you missed the webinar or are looking to share it with a co-worker, we have the whole thing recorded and ready to view right here. Enjoy!

Have more questions about digital video or programmatic? Head on over to to get in contact with a Centro DSP rep. We’ll go from handshake to high-five in no time!