Sep 12 2012
Basis Team

One More Thing…


Well, it’s finally here.  Are you planning to pick one up?  With today’s announcement of the iPhone 5, millions of consumers will shortly be gearing up to wait in enormous lines and pick up the latest piece of consumer technology.  However, this one could be a big deal.  Some analysts are predicting the potential of Apple moving 10MM devices by the end of September.  Additionally, the market is prime for a new iPhone.  50% of the US market still doesn’t own a smartphone and this is the first major redesign for the iPhone since June 2010 (iPhone 4).

Without a doubt, adoption of the iPhone 5 will drive increased penetration of smartphones, which is good news for mobile marketers.  This will create more data, impressions and scale for advertisers looking to use mobile as an advertising vehicle.  Product launches like the one today only help to speed up the massive changes in consumer behavior and media consumption that are occurring.

However, many marketers are still unsure of why they should be adding mobile to the advertising mix.  Many of these marketers, some of whom will probably wait in line for the iPhone 5, aren’t educated on the landscape, what budgets they should allocate to the space or why multi-screen viewing is so important to understand. Fortunately, there have been some great studies released over the past month (see below) that help explain why mobile advertising isn’t a trend, but rather a vital part of the marketing mix.  So, as the late Steve Jobs might say, there is just one more thing(okay, three).  Below are three timely resources that can help marketers understand why mobile advertising is so important.

  1. Recommended Mobile Budget Allocation (MMA Study)
  2. Guide to Mobile Marketing / Mobile Fact Pack (AdAge)
  3. Navigating the New Multi-Screen World (Google)