Holiday Cheer Forecasted for Online Retailers - Basis Technologies
Nov 27 2011
Basis Team

Holiday Cheer Forecasted for Online Retailers


ADOTAS – The holiday season is a time of year to bring friends and families together, to enjoy a plethora of calorie-suffused foods and to buy the perfect gifts for your mom, dad, sister, brother, husband, wife, kids, best friends, co-workers, dog walker, neighbors, etc. You get the point. It’s the season of giving.

So, where will consumers be spending all of their holiday dollars? Are retailers expecting consumers to tighten their online wallets? On the contrary, despite the economy, online retailers can continue to sing, “’Tis the season to be jolly.” According to eMarketer, online sales have shown strong growth in the months leading up to the holiday shopping season. Many industry experts are expecting online holiday sales to either be on par with or surpass last year’s results ($32.6 billion, up from $29.1 billion in 2009), which translates into growth of at least 12 percent.

Read more of this compelling piece: Holiday Cheer Forecasted for Online Retailers