Digital Innovations Awesome List
Oct 10 2016
Ryan Manchee

Digital Innovations Awesome List


At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time-consuming. To make that easier, we’ve compiled all the articles, reports, and other bits of awesomeness you may have missed, but should definitely read. Enjoy our latest list below!

Facebook and Google: Most Powerful and Secretive Empires We've Ever Known
This Guardian article examines why we need a better way to describe these two technology companies that control the digital worlds we speak, play, and live in.

Snapchat, Facebook and Other Platforms Shedding the “Social” Label
In a similar vein, AdWeek questions whether the largest social networks have evolved past the simple definition of the word: a network of social interactions and personal relationships. With each of them playing a crucial role in shaping the modern digital media landscape, maybe it’s time to start thinking bigger when approaching social.

Snapchat Pushes Further into Digital Targeting
The mobile media app knows it must continue to court brands and advertisers in order to continue its meteoric rise. That means adding not just more scale, but relevancy. Cue a slew of new capabilities that digital buyers have come to expect, including CRM targeting and lookalike modeling.

Adobe Digital Insights Advertising Demand Report 2016: North America
This report looks at growth across the digital space, in terms of site growth, display ad opportunities, and the impact of ad blocking.

YouTube Becomes More Social with the Community Tab
Users have always been able to comment on videos, but that’s pretty much where engagement stopped. The new community tab is geared towards YouTube’s massive influencer base. It’s a way for them to engage with their fans (contests, live video, GIFs and more) without turning to other platforms.

Ad Age Social Media Facts 2016
What’s the trajectory for growth for social? Who is winning on mobile or among key demos? Ad Age Datacenter shows us the state of the market in nine simple graphs.

Google Launches Allo Smart Messaging App
Another major player throws its hat into the social messaging & AI app ring. Facebook, Snapchat, Apple … Watch out!

Android And iOS Rule Changes Could Spur New Inventory For Mobile Video Ads
With the recent mobile operating system updates, there is an opportunity for publishers to create new unique inventory with auto-play inline mobile web video. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the long term with the IAB’s recent recommendations to lessen more intrusive ads, including auto-play video outside of a video player.

Ad, TV, Video Trades Organize Around Tech Standards
The 4As, a joint venture between the ANA and its agency counterparts, sets out to create standards and best practices for better managing video assets in an increasingly non-linear world.

Nielsen Makes Major Announcements Related to Audience Measurement Solutions
The first about changes to local market ratings for in-home and out-of-home TV viewing, and the other about its new Total Content Ratings designed to combine TV and digital content ratings.