Centro DSP Spotlight: Targeting Options for Your Campaign – Language, Apps, Content - Basis Technologies
Apr 15 2016
Anthony Loredo

Centro DSP Spotlight: Targeting Options for Your Campaign – Language, Apps, Content


There are a plethora of ways to precisely target audiences in programmatic advertising. In Centro DSP, we’ve given users multi-pronged targeting tactics they can use to find customers with the right ad, at the right time, and in the right media environment. Here are some techniques for customizing campaigns by language, app, and/or context.

Browser Language

Marketers can target customers by the language setting of the user’s browser. For example, perhaps an advertiser wants to find French-speaking users who may be browsing English websites. Or perhaps the marketer wants to reach all Latin American language speakers, so they’d target browsers set to both Spanish and Portuguese.

When targeting non-English speakers, using browser language as a tactic can help expand reach. It’s an easy alternative to contextual language targeting options. Browser language targeting enables you to find non-English speakers without increasing CPMs due to contextual data provider costs. However, best practice is to utilize both techniques and optimize to the one that works best for your campaign.

See below a sample of browser language targeting options.


App Lists

Centro DSP allows users to target specific desktops using domain lists. Now they can also allow list/block list mobile app inventory. Note that there needs to be some familiarity with the app ID or app bundle name in Centro DSP to create these lists.

Users can create an applist by:

  1. Clicking on the new domain list button
  2. Creating a name for the list a name
  3. Selecting the list type: allowed list or block list
  4. Entering the app bundle names or app IDs (for Android and Apple inventory, respectively).

Here are some of the ways this targeting option can be used:

  • Running campaigns on a select group of apps -- with app lists, users can build custom lists for each of their campaigns. Users select which apps they want their campaigns to serve impressions on, and if they want to reach users on iOS, Android, or both.
  • Blocking apps from campaigns -- users can choose a select group of apps they want to block from their campaigns. Perhaps they want to ensure alignment with their campaign goals, and brand image. To do this, advertisers can build a list of apps that they don’t want their ads to be shown on.
  • Optimizing campaigns - After assessing performance of a campaign, and seeing what apps are generating the best results, advertisers can create an allowed list to target a specific set of apps, and another one to block apps in bulk. Instead of manually shutting off each app that isn’t performing well, a block list with the apps that aren’t doing well can be added to an existing campaign.


Contextual Apps

Third party targeting on mobile app inventory is provided by Peer 39. Users now have access to contextual and brand-protection segments for mobile app campaigns. These can be leveraged to target or block specific app categories, ensure impressions are only served in inventory that is in line with the brand, and serve ads that best match the content interest of the audience.


Try out a few combinations of these and many other targeting options on Centro DSP today.