Buy For Quality with comScore Bid Ratings™ in Centro's DSP
Mar 31 2016
Ian Trider

Centro DSP Spotlight: Buying for Quality with comScore Bid Ratings™


The programmatic world provides nearly unlimited access to inventory of all types, but how do you select the best-quality inventory for your campaign? comScore Bid Ratings™ can help. comScore Bid Ratings™ leverages the classification technology from Proximic, acquired by comScore in 2015, and combines it with comScore’s rich data set, including the data that powers comScore Media Metrix®, Video Metrix® Rankings and validated Campaign Essentials™ (vCE®).

comScore Bid Ratings data is found in the Contextual and Brand Protection sections of the DSP UI. Choose from the following options in the “Contextual” section of the Campaign Editor:

  • Media Metrix® (MMX) Property Rank: Ranking of most popular domains by unique visitors. For example, you can target the top 100 websites by targeting:
    comScore Bid Ratings > MMX Property Rank > 1-10 OR
    comScore Bid Ratings > MMX Property Rank > 11-25 OR
    comScore Bid Ratings > MMX Property Rank > 26-100
  • Video Metrix® (VMX) Property Rank: Ranking of most popular domains with video content by unique visitors.
  • Media Metrix® (MMX) Category/Subcategory: Categorization of domain in comScore’s Media Metrix® taxonomy.
  • MMX Category/Subcategory Rank: Ranking of most popular domains in a given category or subcategory, by unique visitors (i.e., comScore top 10 entertainment sites).
  • Page-level Contextual: Page-level contextual categorization (formerly Proximic).

These data segments can be combined — for example, to target the top 10 entertainment sites:
comScore Bid Ratings > MMX Category > Entertainment AND
comScore Bid Ratings > MMX Category Rank > 1-10

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  • Choose from the following in the “Brand Protection” section of the Campaign Editor:
    • vCE Viewability®: Ranking of site viewability as measured by comScore’s validated Campaign Essentials™. Viewability is grouped into quintiles; Tier 1 (Top 20%) comprises the best 20% of sites for viewability, while Tier 2 (21-40%) contains the next best 20% of sites for viewability, etc.
    • Invalid Traffic: Likelihood of the presence of invalid traffic.
    • Page-level brand safety (formerly Proximic) including:
      • Rating: Movie-style rating of the appropriate audience for a given page (G, PG13, R).
      • Non-standard Content: Categories for excluding for the presence of specific types of inappropriate content.
      • Language: The language of the page content.

    Just as with contextual segments, these data segments can be combined — for example, to target sites likely to have less than 5% invalid traffic and exclude sites with the worst viewability:
    comSore Bid Ratings > Invalid Traffic > Likely to have <5% IVT AND
    comScore Bid Ratings > vCE Viewability > Tier 5 (Bottom 20%) (EXCLUDE)

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