Trim the tree. Light the candles. Wrap the gifts. Finish up that holiday shopping. And of course, don't forget to put the finishing touches on your holiday campaigns.
We know that like a certain red-suited, sleigh-driving, North Pole-dwelling elf, you’re making a list (and checking it twice) with a million items on it. And it’s only getting longer as the season progresses.
And in addition to the typical holiday frenzy, we also know that your PPC campaigns are never far from your mind - in fact just the opposite. Your campaign tasks are piling up and your end-of-year deadlines are drawing nearer (all while your staff is packing up and heading out on for vacation). That means, in addition to making a perfect eggnog, untangling the lights and putting animatronic reindeer in your front yard, you’ll also be prepping your digital ad and marketing campaigns for the upcoming festive season. For many of you, that means aligning promotions with PPC campaigns, writing holiday-themed ad copy and organizing customer gift lists. It means you have to simultaneously coordinate giveaways and specials, and conduct granular reporting and closely monitor holiday traffic - all while planning for the New Year ahead.
Whew. That’s a lot.
It’s enough to make you say “bah humbug” and channel your inner Scrooge (that is, before he met the ghost of Christmas Future). But don’t worry - we have you covered with our 12 Days of Holiday Campaigns lookbook (feel free to set it to music, if the mood strikes. We find it helps to revive the holiday spirit).
In the guide, we provide some handy holiday digital ad and marketing campaign tips that are sure to put your holiday woes at ease and give you some much-needed peace of mind. With one tip for each of the “12 days,” we touch on everything from holiday-themed graphics and ad copy, to generating user engagement, invoking the spirit of the season, and showing gratitude for your customers who helped you get where you are today.
So sit back, pour a hot drink of your choice, stoke the fire, turn on that favorite holiday movie and relax. Here’s to a peaceful - and profitable - holiday season! And may you - and your campaigns - be merry and thrive in the New Year!
Happy Holidays from QuanticMind!