Launching your first programmatic ad campaign may seem like a tall mountain to climb. But with the right tools and processes in place, you’ll find yourself at the top in no time!

When starting to plan a programmatic campaign, break it up into the 3 Ps: Planning, Preparation, and Performance.

Planning a Programmatic Advertising Campaign

Planning is the most important step when it comes to programmatic. If you ventured to climb a mountain, but didn’t plan with a map or purchase the right equipment, you’d likely find yourself struggling to get anywhere.

This is also true when putting together a programmatic campaign—by taking some vital steps prior to setting up and launching a campaign, you’ll set yourself up to hit your campaign goals.

As with any digital campaign, first ask yourself what your objective is and what constitutes success. Do you have a target audience? Take notes on the available budget, creative assets, and geo-targeting to help guide what targeting tactics you’ll run.

Use historical performance as a benchmark when deciphering KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). If you haven’t run the campaign in the past, use this campaign to set a baseline benchmark for ongoing campaigns. Once you understand those primary goals, you can begin to decide on the best tactics that align with your campaign’s KPI.

When deciding on tactics, use a full funnel approach. Different tactics within the funnel generate varying results, but should work in cohesion to address all parts of the consumer purchase cycle—from awareness, to consideration, to purchase.

Targeting tactics like prospecting and hyperlocal sit in the upper funnel, or within brand awareness, whereas retargeting or look-alike modeling fit much lower in the funnel, between consideration and conversion.

If you’re running a direct response campaign, you may want to heavy-up your targeting to tactics that fit more lower funnel. But on a video completion campaign, you may focus more upper or mid-funnel on your tactic selections. Be sure to align your campaign’s dCPM with the types of targeting tactics you’ve selected.

Preparing for a Programmatic Advertising Campaign

Did you make a checklist to ensure you packed all the necessary equipment for your climb? Even with strategic planning, you need to prepare for success in your programmatic campaign.

Ensure that pixels are placed and firing properly prior to launch. Placing pixels early will not only give extra time for troubleshooting any issues on tracking, but it will also help to build retargeting audiences. This prevents running into spending issues upon launch.

Are you using an ad server? If so, make sure settings in the DSP mirror the attribution settings in the ad server to closely align conversion data.

Consider capturing converters so you can suppress this audience if the conversion is likely to not occur again. Converter audiences can also be used on future campaigns to serve different messaging to previous customers.

Optimizing Programmatic Campaign Performance

Planning and preparation have led you to the launch of your programmatic campaign—let’s call it your first ascent up the mountainside.

Programmatic advertising is a true data-driven approach—you’ll quickly find that it’s both an art and a science. Testing and learning are critical.

Once you launch your programmatic campaign, give it time to accrue data. This will allow the campaign to ramp up on spend and collect data points to help aid in optimizations.

Once enough data is collected, you can begin making minor and mid-tier optimizations—like adjusting daily budgets between targeting tactics—as well as top-performing or domain-level optimizations—like turning off low-performing sites or apps. Other optimizations, like deciphering a dayparting strategy or frequency capping, can also be made at this point.

Major optimizations like testing new tactics or data segments can begin with time. Even with auto optimizers, always keep an eye on performance and make manual tweaks to ensure campaign success.

Once you reach that mountaintop, make sure to celebrate your victory! Keep track of the journey you took to get there so you can apply that knowledge to future climbs.

Learn more about Programmatic Advertising with Centro.

Kami Lentz here, Agency Lead with Centro! I’m here to share some tips I’ve learned in my time working remotely. Wellbeing is a big topic at Centro, as well as an area that I am personally very passionate about.

Here are my top tips for taking care of your mental health while working from home:

Set up your dedicated workspace

Follow a schedule (this includes breaks throughout the day!)

Eat a healthy breakfast

Increase movement

Stay connected to others

Meditate, re-focus, and breathe

Here are some additional tips from my WFH colleagues at Centro:

“Get outside for Vitamin D!” –Alana Putterman

“I like to listen to Spotify Calming or Classical music channels in the mornings to get me in a zen/strong mindset for the day.” –Alyssa Brown

“I take at least 10 minutes per day to meditate. It's also okay to take 5- to 10-minute breaks throughout the day to clear your head.” –Amanda Wallman

“Keep your routine the same so that working from home doesn't disrupt your sleep cycle. Use Headspace. Use aromatherapy. Make someone else laugh with a meme. During the process you will likely laugh too.” –David Lempp

“Acknowledge when you need a break. You can still get burned out and tired while working at home. Listen to your body. You don't have to work 24/7 just because you're at home. You can still be "off" work, just as you normally would be.” –Laurie Jones

“If I start to feel detached or out of sorts, I will reach out and talk or chat with someone on my team. Proximity doesn't have to dictate whether or not you feel like part of a team.” –Matt Baine

“Be mindful if you are not feeling productive, as a little break will help you re-collect your thoughts. You may even need a little snack! This ties into my physical well-being too.” –Michael Lagioia

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If programmatic advertising had an official fan squad, I imagine their cheers would sound something like this:

“Programmatic is the best—CPMs beat all the rest!”

With programmatic advertising, buying in the open auction is priced on a dynamic CPM (or cost per thousand). This allows the bidder to bid either competitively or more efficiently, based on the targeting parameters and market conditions.

When effective CPMs are lower than the contracted rate, dollars are reinvested into more media spend which means more impressions and potentially increased reach. Typical CPMs are lower than if you were to go site direct, so the reduced costs lead to increased efficiencies when targeting your audience at scale.

“Computers, phones, and tablets too. With our data we’ll reach you!”

Most programmatic platforms include multichannel targeting across computers, phones, tablets, and even connected TV devices. With the use of data (whether 1st, 2nd, or 3rd party), your buying strategy can focus on reaching your intended audience no matter what device they’re using.

Cross device capabilities also help extend your audience to find a user anywhere, regardless of the type of data your audience segment includes, including IP-based connected TV devices.

“Real time data plays a role. Help to hit your campaign goal!” 

Programmatic real-time bidding (RTB) happens so quickly that data refreshes can happen every second. If you really wanted to refresh your page that often, you could see the cost you are paying, the budget you have spent, and the impressions you have served for the current day up to the last second.

Having that immediate insight allows for real time optimizations to occur, with real time performance metrics down to the creative level.

“Domain, device, and geo insight. Transparency with all our might!”

Most bid requests in the programmatic space include the domain or app, the device type, and the geo where the ad placement that needs to be filled is coming from.

With insight into these settings, we can report on the performance of each and understand where our ads are served. This transparency rolls into the optimizations we make and the strategies we implement on future campaigns.

OK, I’ll be honestI’ve been part of the Programmatic Fan Club for 11 years now. If these programmatic advantages pique your interest, learn more about Programmatic Advertising with Centro!

If you're transitioning from working in an office to working remotely, maintaining focus throughout the day may be something you're struggling with. Never fear—as someone who's worked remotely for years, I've picked up plenty of tips for alleviating this problem!

1. Define your space 

This might be a hard one for those of us with roommates, husbands, wives, children, pets, etc.—but separating your work space from your home space is one of my top tips for maintaining focus. This is an effective way of tricking your brain into associating a certain space with work.

I also tend to clean my workspace in the evening once I’ve completed my day. This allows me to start the next morning with a clean slate. I don’t want to stop anyone from moving locations, especially if you want to get some sunshine—but when you do, make sure it’s a space you can designate to focus on work.

2. Schedule your day in advance 

Each week I spend 30 minutes scheduling out big chunks of my week. Then each evening when I’m planning for the following day, I create a simple to-do list and block out my time with specific activities.

3. Designate breaks 

It's also helpful for me to schedule out my free time and breaks. It’s important to take 5-10 minute breaks throughout the day before you start a new activity. Our brains take a second to move from one task to the next (hence why multitasking isn’t helpful), so taking a break will allow your brain to reset.

4. Do Not Disturb is your friend!

This one took me a while because I always wanted to be available internally and externally, but the "Do Not Disturb" setting on your phone is indeed your friend. Eliminating unnecessary notifications allows you to truly focus on the task at hand, which will make you more productive.

In my experience, I'm able to complete more tasks when I’m completely focused on one thing at a time. Utilizing one or two of these steps will dramatically improve your focus and efficiency with work.

But enough about what works for me—here’s what a few of my coworkers had to say!

“I find it easier to focus in my home office since I don't typically have anyone else in my house while I'm working. When I really need to focus and get something done, I'll close my email rather than have it dinging at me and doing its best to distract me away from what I'm working on.

When I do this, I make a point to check it every 30 mins or so to make sure that I'm not missing anything urgent. Checklists come in handy when I have lots of pending action items.” —Matt Baine

“It's OK to take a break. If you're having a mental block or starting to feel nuts—step away from your computer, and give yourself a little reward.”—Holly Maine

“TV is a productivity killer.”—Kelly Wittmann

“I like to set up "zones" for myself when I really need to focus uninterrupted on something and knock it out. It's something I brought with me from my previous job. If I have 15 prospecting emails to send, I put myself on Do Not Disturb for one hour until they are complete.

You can give your team a heads up that you're going into "the zone" if you're worried about not being available to them. If I can plan for these in advance by putting them on my calendar, it keeps me from forgetting or not finding the time.”—Ben Morton

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The ability to prioritize tasks is valuable in any line of work. But when it comes to working from home, prioritization is crucial!

I’m Alissa Hammes, Senior Agency Lead at Basis. I’ve worked remotely for the entirety of my nine years here! When I was asked to share some of the best practices I've picked up along the way, prioritization was the first habit that came to mind.

My best advice is to set daily and weekly goals. I personally enjoy crossing things off a to-do list, so I create lists for both work and home to take the "what's next?" question out of my down time. Here's how I organize each of these lists:



Now more than ever, your normal daily schedule may look a little blurred between home and work. You may need to work with your manager if the regular workday needs to be adjusted to early morning or evening hours so that you can prioritize each aspect of your life while you're working from home.

But enough about what works for mehere's what a few of my coworkers had to say about prioritizing when working remotely!

“Turn off email notifications! Most of the time, I am working on something and then I see an email. I totally drop what I’m doing and I tend the new email. Before I know it, I have multiple emails open and I leave things half-finished to work on something else.”Alyssa Brown

“Keep a running to-do list in a notebook where you can cross things off. Star timely items that need to be completed that day. Before you sign off at night, re-write your to-do list for the following day so you can hit the ground running.”Kelly Wittmann

“With more self-accountability, it is easy to push projects for ‘later’. List out 1-3 projects each week that you WILL complete.”Alana Putterman

I hope these tips help you to find your optimal blend between work and life. Stay positive out there!

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Have you figured out a daily routine for working from home yet? If not, I have some tips to share about the importance of creating one!

I’m Alyssa Brown, Senior Digital Specialist at Centro, and I’ve been working remotely for three years. I’ve found that a daily routine both reduces stress and keeps me focused throughout the day. See my top suggestions for implementing a routine below! 

Create a Pleasant Workspace

My daily routine actually starts the night before. I wipe down, clean, and declutter my desk when I shut down for the day. As I’m sure many of you are realizing, it’s easy for dishes, papers, and trash to fill up your space throughout the day. Walking into a fresh space every morning really helps me feel put together.

Pro tip: Fill your workspace with things that bring you joy. I usually have a favorite candle burning, a live plant in the room, ideal lighting—whatever makes you happy!

Establish Working Hours

I constantly have to resist logging on at 7:30-8am. I wake up early because I have a toddler—so I am caffeinated, dressed, and ready to go by 7am most days.

Taking some time for myself in the morning helps to center me before I begin my workday. Enjoy those 1-2 hours you would otherwise spend commuting, and create a new WFH routine that starts your day out right!

Have Separate Routines for Morning, Noon and Afternoon 

Stop Working when the Day is Done

Actually sign off at 5 pm or when your work for the day is completed, and separate yourself from your workspace. I often find myself lingering later than I need to doing non-work related things, or doing work things that aren’t urgent just because I'm there.

Limit Daily Social Media Usage

Instead of scrolling, use that time to get up and MOVE. I use the iPhone Screen Time feature to set a 20-minute time limit (per day) for my social media usage. Not having social media in my daily WFH routine is what actually DOES get me up and moving. If you have ten minutes of downtime, do something productive!

Factor in Daily Socialization

Listen to your favorite podcast while you work on something where you can multitask. If you’re like me, podcast hosts feel like "friends” and can help you to feel less isolated (shout out to Ashley Flowers and Britt from the Crime Junkie podcast for being my virtual BFFs!). Remember to keep in close contact with your team and reach out regularly to connect. And speaking of teams… check out these daily routine tips from some of my WFH peers here at Centro:

“Run your day similarly to how you would organize it if you were in the office. Take a shower in the morning and build in a lunch break. It's not a vacation, so keep to your usual M-F schedule as much as possible.”—Holly Maine

“Simulate your commute. Get up, get ready and LEAVE THE HOUSE for at least 30 minutes. If all you do is drive around the neighborhood, so be it. Just get out of the house and then return ready to work.”—Andy Alvarado

“Pretend you're still going into the office to see other human beings. Give yourself time to wake up, have coffee, get a shower, and get dressed—you'll have more energy throughout the day. If you're a parent, try to meal prep in the evenings for the next day so you aren't scrambling.”—Kelly Wittmann

Try to stick to your normal office routine as much as possible!  If you would normally get up, shower, snag a protein bar, and hit the gym before work, you should do exactly the same before firing up your computer at home. One thing you want to avoid is changing up your daily routines for the worse, i.e. staying up late or sleeping in. As they say, bad habits are tough to break!”—Rich Brown

I hope these tips are helpful to anyone working from home during this time. Overall, a bit of structure goes a long way for maintaining productivity and contentment! Now, time for a lunch break...

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All of my teammates are currently working from home, which means that our team is facing an entirely new set of day-to-day challenges. Step by step, we’re figuring out how to stay productive, engage our teams, and find the silver linings in this situation.

People who are looking for work right now face an entirely different set of challenges. These people may be wondering how to put their best foot forward when interviewing for a role virtually, rather than in person.

At the same time, recruiters are being forced to get creative and work around usual processes such as interviewing candidates in our offices.

Interviewing remotely may seem daunting to both candidates and recruiters who have never done it before. Even for those that have, there are best practices that can help take your interviewing skills to the next level.

Below, I’ll share my top tips for remote interviewing to help you make the most of the interview, put your best professional foot forward, and ultimately accomplish your goals in these challenging times.

  1. Eye contact is key

We all know how important it is to make eye contact during an interview. This is much tougher to do via video.

When you’re speaking to someone via video conference, your eyes naturally want to focus on their face. Depending on where that face is on your monitor and the location of your webcam, this can cause you to appear as if you are looking down or away.

You can avoid this by resizing and moving the window with the person’s video image. Move it up or as close to your webcam as possible. This will give the closest approximation to real human eye contact.

  1. Backgrounds are important

A neutral background is your best bet—the name of the game here is to avoid anything distracting or embarrassing. It’s also a good idea to avoid having a mirror reflection show up on camera. A plain wall, a screen, or bookshelf is just fine.

If you’re really concerned about background or there are elements you can’t control, find out whether the video conferencing software you’ll be using has the option to use a preset background. If this isn’t available, try hanging up a sheet or curtain behind you. If you go this route, make sure to keep at least two feet of distance between you and the background to avoid shadow.

  1. Technology is unpredictable

Because technology can fail, it’s a good idea to check up on all your technology at least an hour ahead of your video interview. Here’s a quick check-list:

Final Thoughts

Interviewing remotely may be daunting, but don’t forget: so is interviewing in person! There’s plenty of preparation you can do beforehand to minimize your stress. Take a deep breath, smile, and open up that laptop—you’ll be great.

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Does your business need a marketing intelligence platform to centralize all those disparate data sources?

Data has always been important in digital marketing. Performance marketers have long been tracking their campaigns and using basic attribution models (first click, last click, etc.) to analyze performance and decipher what tactics and approaches work for them. In 2020, though, things are much more complicated. It’s no longer enough to start tracking performance data halfway through a campaign and make reactionary adjustments. Simplistic attribution models also don’t offer a full picture of what factors are driving key performance goals.

According to Adobe data and Marketing Charts, modern marketers are increasingly implementing a truly data-driven marketing approach through better data integration, tapping into real-time insights, utilizing predictive analytics, and more.

In this era of technological expansion, there is a vast array of tools that marketers can employ to realize these strategies. In this article, we discuss why Marketing Intelligence Platforms represent one of the most powerful options for businesses both large and small.

Get a Complete Picture of the Customer Journey 

Today the customer journey is far from linear. There are numerous touchpoints at the awareness, acquisition, and conversion stages that can influence your audience and encourage them to buy. Online touchpoints could include email, search, display ads, social media, third-party sites, your website, and more. Offline touchpoints could include radio, TV, print, direct mail, word-of-mouth, phone, point-of-sale, etc.

10 years ago it was much easier to track a few audience engagements and understand how your marketing campaigns were performing. Today, it’s much more challenging as you may not have the appropriate software capabilities to track certain channels. Even if you do, there are still issues with having your data siloed on different platforms. 

That’s where marketing intelligence platforms come in. These tools are designed to integrate data from all relevant tracking technologies you use, whether it be your CRM, advertising platforms, or point-of-sale tool. You can upload any relevant business data you need, such as inventory data, offline call data, and more. The ability to view and analyze all business data from a single platform makes it possible to get a complete picture of your customer journey and consider all relevant factors in making performance-enhancing decisions. 

Attribute and Track KPIs with Confidence 

In the past, marketers could learn a lot about their campaign performance using various basic first click, last click, linear, or U-shaped attribution models. Now there are simply too many relevant touchpoints to rely on elementary definitions. 

Marketing Intelligence Platforms are equipped with artificial intelligence and machine learning-powered decision engines that can empower marketers to build data-driven attribution models. This strategy utilizes your relevant business and performance data to understand how different audience interactions contribute to the conversion path across the customer journey. With Marketing Intelligence Platforms serving as a unified data source, they can tap into deep funnel data to help you make decisions that improve lead capture and conversion rates. 

Centralized data analysis further makes it possible to focus on the key performance indicators that matter most for your business. Clicks and conversions can only tell you so much about your performance. Revenue, profit, cost per acquisition, customer lifetime value, and churn are complex but valuable metrics that performance marketers can utilize to inform optimization changes. When you include data from external data sources (think, Nasdaq, DOW) you can also measure market share and what external factors impact performance.

Automate Insights and Optimizations 

Automatically optimizing based on predicted insights is the key capability that sets Marketing Intelligence Platforms apart from other marketing automation tools. There are plenty of technologies that offer high-end analytics dashboards, yet advanced analytics doesn’t help marketers see through the noise and truly surface the most valuable insights. By taking advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Marketing Intelligence Platforms can not only assess your business data but pinpoint the insights most relevant to your business goals.

The more business data you have, the more necessary this feature really is. Regardless of how many data scientists you have on your marketing team, they don't have the capacity to constantly analyze the ongoing stream of relevant data that flows through. Look at bid optimization, for example. There’s bid landscape data, competition, budget, inventory, and many other important factors to consider on a daily basis. A powerful Marketing Intelligence Platform can process all this data for you and derive lucrative insights to inform optimization tactics. It can then activate these insights by making thousands of bid adjustments daily to make sure your campaigns are always at optimum efficiency. 

Make Your Entire Budget Count 

With the rise of omnichannel, marketing budgets are increasingly stretched thin. Even enterprise-level businesses need to be careful about how much budget they allocate to different marketing channels. Wasting even a small portion of your budget leads to inefficient campaigns and difficulty keeping up with competitor tactics. 

Marketing Intelligence Platforms can help businesses make sure their entire budget is spent wisely. Again, it all goes back to unified data management. Data from various marketing channels, customers, products, and departments across your business are all analyzed together so you can understand exactly how different factors are impacting your bottom line. You can also get a deeper understanding of how spending impacts specific goals such as revenue or retention. 

The ability of some Marketing Intelligence Platforms to automate insights and make quick changes to optimize your campaigns also has a huge impact on efficiency. The competitive landscape is changing constantly. A machine that can analyze performance based on the latest trends and then make changes to keep your campaigns optimized can significantly reduce wasted ad spend.

Improve Cross-Team Collaboration 

Marketing Intelligence Platforms centralize data from the various departments throughout your business, including marketing, sales, operations, IT, etc. As a result, they can provide insights relevant to teams at different levels of your business.

It’s common for teams to operate as siloed units with little collaboration between them. Marketing Intelligence Platforms can set up the marketing team as a leader in analyzing relevant data for different departments and generating ideas for new optimizations. Insights derived from unified data analysis can help improve sales execution and efficiency of other business processes. Comprehensive data analysis also encourages cross-team discussions that can lead to all sorts of new, innovative ideas to improve customer experience, drive more sales, improve retention, and drive growth. 

Why All Marketers Need a Marketing Intelligence Platform 

Once you understand how Marketing Intelligence Platforms work, it’s clear there’s a lot of benefits to utilizing one for marketing. Still, it’s easy to come up with reasons to hold off investing in new software and integrating it into your strategy. There’s always a way to justify waiting until your business expands or a new quarter starts. You might even think it’s a good idea to invest in a few years down the line.

However, one thing is clear: the unstoppable rise of Marketing Intelligence Platforms has already begun. There is simply too much relevant data you can use to optimize your marketing strategy and other processes. Businesses that use a Marketing Intelligence Platform are already benefiting from better analytics, optimizations, forecasting, cross-team collaboration, customer service, and more. Sooner or later, investing in this technology will be essential to keep up with competitor performance. For many businesses, it already is.

Performance marketing is a strand of marketing that focuses on driving specific actions, such as clicks, form fills, or sales. Rather than simply spreading a brand message everywhere and hoping it resonates, performance marketers develop specific strategies to drive key goals based on insights. Anyone serious about marketing online today is investing in performance marketing strategies. 

Most businesses, though, never consider working with a performance marketing agency to improve results. It’s a common misconception that you should only enlist third-party help if you don’t know how to market yourself. In reality, a performance marketing agency can help you deliver better business outcomes in a great many ways, regardless of whether you have your own internal marketing team.

Why Work with a Performance Marketing Agency?

Let’s start by discussing some of the many benefits of building a relationship with a performance marketing agency today: 

Better Technology

Most performance marketing agencies have their own MarTech stack they use to provide services to their clients. These can include advanced PPC bid management software, social media management tools, analytics solutions, and more. When you work with a performance marketing agency, you can benefit from all these technologies without actually purchasing them yourself. Lots of top agencies use software that individual businesses may not be able to afford and use on their own. 

Specific Expertise 

Most internal marketing teams have experience in many different marketing areas. Few businesses have enough budget to recruit and hire experts in every area, though, and so team members often multitask and work on various initiatives at once. Working with an agency is one solution to this problem as they can fill in the gaps in expertise where your internal team falls short. As an example, if you’re lacking a specialist in PPC bid optimization, you can work with an agency that has the tools and personnel to run this for you. 

A Fresh Perspective 

Just because you have your own marketing team doesn’t mean you can’t work with a performance marketing agency. In reality, an agency is designed to support your in-house team, empowering them with savvy suggestions and recommendations. An agency can offer a fresh perspective based on their knowledge in your market and others. Their expertise outside your business allows for the creation of novel ideas and strategies that can help you win your battles for revenue.

Better Allocate Your Time 

Different areas of marketing can absorb significant amounts of time, especially if your team doesn’t have expert knowledge and tools for certain channels. It can require a lot of manpower and investment to optimize correctly. Allowing a performance marketing agency to take care of these tasks frees up your internal teams immensely. They’re able to reallocate their efforts to other marketing tasks, increasing productivity in the process. 

Save Money While Driving Results 

As a business grows, so too does its marketing strategy. Most leaders are faced with a decision - either expand their current marketing team or invest in a third-party contractor. Adding new employees requires lots of investment. There are office space and tools and also recruiting costs and turnover to worry about. With all that in mind, investing in a performance marketing agency is likely much more affordable than expanding your own organization.

What to Look for in a Performance Marketing Agency

Today there are many marketing agencies out there saying they can help you drive better business outcomes. However, few are equipped with the skills, expertise, and technology to maximize the effectiveness of your output. Here are a few things to look for when evaluating potential performance marketing agencies to work with: 

Expertise in the Right Areas 

It’s possible your business is looking to fill a gap by working with a marketing agency. If that’s the case, then it’s important to choose an agency that has specific skills and expertise in the areas you need. Any agency can offer services in social media marketing, display advertising, SEM, content marketing, etc, yet some will have key specializations that set them apart from the rest. 

To get an idea of what areas an agency excels in, take a look at their service page and case studies. If most of their success stories are in a specific area of marketing, that’s likely where their specialties lie. 

Multichannel Capabilities 

Even if you are working with an agency to optimize a specific marketing channel, it’s important to choose a partner that also has multichannel capabilities. In the future you may want to outsource more of your marketing activities. You don’t want to have to change agencies in order to get the services you need. 

It’s also important to remember that your marketing strategy isn’t siloed by channel. Your strategy should include a number of channels that work together to drive key performance goals like traffic, leads, and sales. Agencies should be prepared to take on multichannel marketing responsibilities. At the very least, they should understand how the current channel they’re working on fits into the broader strategy. 

The Technologies You Need 

Getting access to powerful technologies is one of the biggest benefits of working with a performance marketing agency so, in any evaluation process, it’s essential to consider their MarTech stack as well. Do they work with all the tools you need to optimize your marketing message, deliver it, and track results? Are they capable and willing to work with your favorite tools?  

Invest in a performance marketing agency that’s prepared to help you get the most value out of the marketing automation tools they work with. 

A Personalized Strategy 

You don’t want to work with an agency that has a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing for their clients. They should be able to develop a personalized strategy based on your industry and specific business goals you illustrate to them. 

A worthwhile agency will audit all aspects of your marketing strategy and make personalized recommendations for improvement. They may also suggest new channels and marketing strategies to invest in that can help your brand get more visibility, nurture leads, drive sales, and grow your ROI. Once you provide feedback on their strategy, they should also be prepared to adapt. 

Brand Alignment 

A performance marketing agency should feel like an extension of your internal team. It’s important to have complete confidence that they’re acting in the best interests of your business. For example, if your agency wants you to partner with another business for marketing, or use a certain advertising network, they should do so with your goals only in mind. 

Before choosing an agency, ask them to disclose any relationships they have with other advertising platforms, businesses, or software providers. This transparency can help you ensure they’re truly aligned with your brand at all times. 


When evaluating a potential partnership, it’s important to ask about their capacity. Are they prepared to handle all the tasks your business needs? It’s very likely they’re working with lots of other businesses on marketing strategies. You need to be sure they have enough personnel and resources that can focus on your specific needs. 

If an agency plans to assign an individual person to work with you, ask how many other clients they’re working with at the same time. That way you can ensure they’re not overloaded with other client projects. 

A Clear Direction 

A performance marketing agency that’s worth the investment should be able to explain some of their novel ideas to you before you decide to work with them. They should take the time to evaluate your marketing needs then make specific suggestions for how they can help you move forward. For instance, they could suggest investing more heavily in a certain advertising strategy or targeting certain keywords with your content. They should also have supporting data that illustrates why this is a good direction for your business.

The Right Agency is Worth the Investment 

In the modern era, any business that’s serious about broadening their reach and driving sales online is investing in performance marketing tactics. Yet few have the capacity, skills, expertise, and tools to maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns. Working with a performance marketing agency is the perfect solution to supplement your internal strategy and really start working towards key goals. Just make sure you build a partnership with the right agency for your unique needs.